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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2006
Memorial Hall Town Hall

Members Present: C. Stanovich, R. Ricker, O. Lies, C. Prager, D. Lindberg

Members Absent: R. Bates, W. Ritter

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

ANR - HOLDEN HILLS: Mylars were signed by the Board to create an ANR lot. R. Ricker. motioned to approve the ANR as submitted, which is the exact same plan approved by a Special Permit. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor. Vote 5-0.

PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUATION  Definitive Subdivision  Cloudcroft Estates: The applicant was informed that there were only four (4) voting members present. C. Stanovich , W. Ritter, and R. Bates will not be able to vote. The applicant opted to go ahead with the presentation by Ben Clark, Engineer, H.S. & T. Group.

Chris Bolster, the applicant, submitted revised plans and drainage calculations on May 9th. The layout of the subdivision has not changed. There are two smaller detention ponds in the rear of the property, which are still being reviewed by the DPW Dept. The applicant was previously discharging stormwater directly into the wetland, which was rejected by the Conservation Commission. Because it is undesirable to have a detention pond near the frontage on Manning St. and the grade of the roadway does not allow the discharge of stormwater from station 0+00 to 2+00 downgradient, the Conservation Commission suggested utilizing grass swales to hold and treat stormwater for this small area. This requires a waiver for the construction of a berm from station 0.00-2.00.

The applicants are creating four (4) lots. Con Com has not approved this project yet. D. Nason, DPW, stated that there are too many outstanding issues to approve the project, and recommended denial of the subdivision at this time due to the numerous deficiencies. The Plan was submitted in October and there are still significant engineering deficiencies, the plan is not closer to be complete then when the hearings first began. The Board agreed that they are now down to four members and cannot keep continuing hearings for a plan that has not made progress and still has numerous deficiencies from the subdivision control regulations.

Board Comments:

·         C. Prager: Asked the applicant if they were going to continue with their application.

·         R. Ricker stated that the Board would be negligent if they approved the plan as is.

·         O. Lies, C. Stanovich, and D. Lindberg all agreed.

R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor.

R. Ricker motioned that due to deficiencies in the plan, that the Board deny the Cloudcroft Subdivison, for reasons stated in the letter from D. Nason, dated May 23, 2006 to P. Harding, who will relate each item to the specific sections of the law subdivision regulations. C. Prager seconded. C. Stanovich abstained from voting. Vote 4-0, denied.

ANR  BULLARD STREET: The applicant, Stark/Talancy, is proposing to create three (3) lots from one parcel on the corner of Bullard and Manning St. in an R1 zoning district. The lots conform to zoning and the plan is entitled to endorsement. R. Ricker motioned to approve as submitted. C. Prager seconded. Vote 5-0, all in favor.

DISCUSSION OF ALDEN WOODS SUBDIVISION: During the recent rain events, a retaining wall in the rear of 111 Blair Drive collapsed and boulders compromised the fence, and entered the detention pond, silt was also deposited in the pond. The applicant has removed most of the material. Because of the flooding problems from the outflow of detention pond 3 on 149 Wachusett St., the applicant was asked to block the outflow. The outflow was opened for the rain event, and severe flooding and turbid water was discharged from the overflow and flooded the rear yard of the lots on Wachusett St., where the residents septic system are located. Alden Woods II will be discharging additional flows into this pond and the Town has serious concerns about the impact to abutters.

C. Prager asked why there wasnt a fence at the top of the wall. P. Harding stated that the wall was never shown on the subdivision plan, and there are no engineered plans for the wall, which was built by Blair within the subdivision. R. Ricker said that a certificate of occupancy has nothing to do with the wall. P. Harding informed the Board that they would need to hold a Public Hearing and bring Blair in before the Board.

Blair never followed up on the letter from DCR. Three (3) abutters septic systems and wells are being affected. The property owner at 111 Blair Dr. has contacted P. Harding with his concerns. D. Nason compared the grades on the plans as to the actual grades and there was a discrepancy between the plan and real grades, translating the grade from the aerial photo to the plans resulted in an error of approximately one (1) foot, which resulted in discharge of water onto abutting property. Alden Woods II utilizes the same detention pond. The Board is considering revocation of Alden Woods I & II subdivision approval if Blair does not comply.

C. Prager suggested sending Blair a letter return receipt, registered mail. R. Ricker stated that they should get clarification/definition if a wall or rip rap, slope stabilization, check the elevations and detention basins, and also cc the letter to Selectmen and the DCR. D. Lindberg recommended limiting the letter for Blair to appear before the Board on June 13th, to just this specific issue. The residents of 111 Blair Dr. and the Wachusett St. will also get a copy of the letter. The entire subdivision will be checked for outstanding problems.

ALDEN WOODS II AND STONYBROOK ESTATES: The Courts have ordered the mylar signature of Alden Woods II and Stonybrook Estates subdivisions. R. Ricker motioned to approve Alden Woods II general conditions, dated 5/23/06, as ordered by the Appeals Court, and the applicants are required to submit the deed on the corner lot. O. Lies seconded. Vote 5-0, all in favor. R. Ricker motioned for discussion purposes. This is an original denial.

R. Ricker motioned to approve Stonybrook Estates general conditions, dated 5/23/06, as ordered by the Appeals Court. D. Lindberg seconded. Vote 5-0, all in favor.

MASTER PLAN UPDATE: May 16, 2006, the committee met with the consultant, creating a public participation plan, with a kick off at Holden Days.


·         March 28 2006: R. Ricker motioned to approve with changes. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor. Approved.

·         April 11, 2006: C. Prager motioned to approve. D. Lindberg seconded. C. Stanovich abstained from the vote. Vote 4-0. Approved.

·         April 25, 2006: C. Prager motioned to approve. O. Lies seconded. Vote 5-0. Approved.

NEXT MEETINGS: June 13, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

O. Lies motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor.

Adjourned at 8:55 PM.



May 23, 2006 meeting minutes approved: June 27, 2006

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary